A six-week Sacred Sisters Series designed to empower us to rid our mind, body & energy field of unsupportive, negative/dark energy. Learn to create a gentle protective force to encapsulate yourself
with Divine Light.

Do you feel like you have "taken on" unsupportive, dark or negative energy, or even been attacked by unwanted forces? In this class we will learn various methods to remove that energy & not allow it to return. Access new tools to protect yourself from absorbing energies that do not or no longer serve you. Learn to use your own powerful essence to stay free and clear in the light of your Divine Nature:
Crystal Energy
Essential Oils
Pranayama (breath movement)
Spiritual Armor
Tuesday Evenings,
starting on the Summer Solstice
June 21st - August 2nd (no class 7/5)
6:45 p.m. - 8 p.m. MST
Via Zoom
(final class 8/2 in person & on-line)
Interested? Use contact form below or email/text/call